Friday 17 August 2018

Bowel incontinence, or faecal incontinence

when you have problems controlling your bowels.

it is able to be very frightening and embarrassing, however it is essential to get scientific advice when you have it because treatment can assist.

signs and signs and symptoms
Bowel incontinence can affect humans in special methods.when you have problems controlling your bowels.

It can be very upsetting and embarrassing, but it's important to get medical advice if you have it because treatment can help.

Signs and symptoms
Bowel incontinence can affect people in different ways.

You may have a problem if:

you have sudden urges to poo that you can't control
you soil yourself without realising you needed the toilet
you sometimes leak poo – for example, when you pass wind
it happens every day or from time to time – a one-off "accident" when you're ill with diarrhoea isn't usually a problem
it's affecting your daily life – for example, it stops you socialising
You may also have other symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhoea, passing wind or bloating.

When to get medical advice
See a GP if you have difficulty controlling your bowels. Don't be embarrassed about talking to someone about it.

Remember that:

it's not something to be ashamed of
it's common and GPs are used to seeing people with it
it's not something you have to put up with
it probably won't get better on its own
it can be treated
If you'd prefer not to see a GP, you may be able to make an appointment at an NHS continence service instead. Call your local hospital for details of your nearest service.

Treatment can help improve incontinence and reduce the impact it has on your life. The best treatment for you depends on what's causing the problem.

Treatments for bowel incontinence include:

continence products – such as pads you wear in your underwear or small plugs you put in your bottom
changes to your diet – such as avoiding foods that make diarrhoea worse
medicines to reduce constipation or diarrhoea
exercises to strengthen the muscles used to control your bowels – called pelvic floor exercises
Surgery may be considered if other treatments don't help.

Read more about treatments for bowel incontinence.

There are lots of possible causes of bowel incontinence. Often it's caused by a combination of problems.

Causes of bowel incontinence include:

severe or long-lasting constipation or diarrhoea
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
inflammatory bowel disBowel polyps are small growths on the inner lining of the large intestine (colon) or rectum.

Bowel polyps are very common, affecting around 1 in 4 people at some point in their lives. They are slightly more common in men than women and are most common in people over the age of 60.

Some people develop just one polyp, while others may have a few.

Symptoms of bowel polyps
Bowel polyps don't usually cause any symptoms, so most people with polyps won't know they have them. They are often picked up during screening for bowel cancer.

However, some larger polyps can cause:

a small amount of slime (mucus) or blood in your poo (rectal bleeding)
diarrhoea or constipation
pain in your tummy (abdominal pain)
Bowel cancer risk
Polyps don't usually turn into cancer. But if some types of polyps (called adenomas) are not removed, there's a chance they may eventually become cancerous. Doctors believe that most bowel cancers develop from adenoma polyps.

However, very few polyps will turn into cancer, and it takes many years for this to happen.

Because of the risk of bowel polyps developing into cancer, your doctor will always recommend getting polyps treated.

Read more about bowel cancer.

Treatments for bowel polyps
There are several methods for treating polyps, but the most common procedure involves physically removing the polyp using a wire loop. This happens during a procedure called a colonoscopy.

The colonoscopy involves passing a flexible tube called a colonoscope through your bottom and up into your bowel. The colonoscope has a wire attached to it with an electric current through it. This wire is used to either burn off (cauterise) or cut off (snare) the polyp. Both of these methods are painless.

In rare cases, polyps may need to be treated by surgically removing part of the bowel. This is usually only done when the polyp has some cell changes, if it is particularly large, or if there are a lot of polyps.

After the polyp or polyps have been removed, they are sent to specialists in a laboratory, who will inform your consultant if:

the polyp has been completely removed
there is any risk of it regrowing
there is any cancerous change in the polyp
If there is a cancerous change in the polyp, you may need further treatment (depending on the degree and extent of change). Your specialist will be able to advise you on this.

Causes of bowel polyps
Doctors don't know the exact cause of bowel polyps. It is thought that they are caused by the body producing too many cells in the lining of the bowel. These extra cells then form into a bump, which is the polyp.

You may be more likely to develop bowel polyps if:

a member of your family has had bowel polyps or bowel cancer
you have a condition that affects your gut, such as colitis or Crohn's disease
you are overweight or smoke
Diagnosing bowel polyps
Bowel polyps are usually found when your bowel is being looked at for another reason or during screening for bowel cancer.

If polyps are found, a colonoscopy or CT colonography is needed to view the whole of the large bowel and remove them at the same time.

Monitoring bowel polyps
Some people with a certain type of polyp may be at risk of it coming back in the future (recurring).

This is uncommon, but means you'll need examining (by colonoscopy) at regular intervals of around three to five years. This is to catch any further polyps that may develop and potentially turn into bowel cancerease – such as Crohn's disease
severe piles (haemorrhoids)
childbirth or surgery damaging the muscles or nerves you use to control your bowels
conditions that can affect the nerves in your bottom – such as diabetes, a stroke or spina bifida
Don't try to self-diagnose the cause of your problems. Get medical help so the underlying cause can be identified and treated.

you could have a hassle if:

you have got surprising urges to poo which you cannot control
you soil yourself without realising you wanted the bathroom
you once in a while leak poo – for instance, when you skip wind
it takes place each day or from time to time – a one-off "accident" whilst you're sick with diarrhoea is not normally a trouble
it's affecting your day by day existence – for instance, it stops you socialising
you may also produce other signs, which includes constipation, diarrhoea, passing wind or bloating.

whilst to get medical advice
See a GP if you have issue controlling your bowels. do not be embarrassed approximately talking to a person approximately it.

take into account that:

it's no longer something to be embarrassed about
it is not unusual and GPs are used to seeing human beings with it
it is now not some thing you have to placed up with
it in all likelihood might not get higher on its personal
it could be treated
if you'd decide upon no longer to peer a GP, you may be able to make an appointment at an NHS continence carrier instead. name your local hospital for details of your nearest carrier.

remedy can assist improve incontinence and reduce the impact it has on your existence. The high-quality treatment for you relies upon on what is inflicting the hassle.

remedies for bowel incontinence consist of:

continence products – inclusive of pads you wear on your undies or small plugs you put in your backside
changes on your weight loss program – which includes averting ingredients that make diarrhoea worse
drug treatments to reduce constipation or diarrhoea
physical activities to bolster the muscle tissues used to manipulate your bowels – called pelvic floor sports
surgery may be taken into consideration if other remedies don't help.

examine more about treatments for bowel incontinence.

There are lots of viable reasons of bowel incontinence. frequently it's due to a combination of problems.

causes of bowel incontinence consist of:

intense or long-lasting constipation or diarrhoea
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
inflammatory bowel disBowel polyps are small growths on the inner lining of the massive intestine (colon) or rectum.

Bowel polyps are very commonplace, affecting around 1 in four human beings at some point in their lives. they are barely greater not unusual in guys than girls and are most commonplace in people over the age of 60.

some humans expand just one polyp, while others may additionally have a few.

signs of bowel polyps
Bowel polyps do not normally reason any signs, so the general public with polyps won't understand they've them. they're regularly picked up at some point of screening for bowel cancer.

but, a few large polyps can purpose:

a small quantity of slime (mucus) or blood on your poo (rectal bleeding)
diarrhoea or constipation
pain to your tummy (belly ache)
Bowel cancer threat
Polyps don't commonly change into cancer. but if a few styles of polyps (referred to as adenomas) aren't removed, there's a risk they will ultimately grow to be cancerous. medical doctors believe that maximum bowel cancers increase from adenoma polyps.

however, only a few polyps will become cancer, and it takes many years for this to happen.

due to the chance of bowel polyps developing into cancer, your health practitioner will constantly propose getting polyps treated.

read more about bowel cancer.

treatments for bowel polyps
There are numerous methods for treating polyps, however the most not unusual procedure involves physically casting off the polyp the usage of a twine loop. This occurs during a system known as a colonoscopy.

The colonoscopy involves passing a bendy tube known as a colonoscope through your backside and up into your bowel. The colonoscope has a wire attached to it with an electric modern-day via it. This wire is used to both burn off (cauterise) or reduce off (snare) the polyp. each of these strategies are painless.

In uncommon instances, polyps may also need to be handled by means of surgically eliminating part of the bowel. this is generally simplest achieved whilst the polyp has a few cellular adjustments, if it's miles in particular massive, or if there are a whole lot of polyps.

After the polyp or polyps had been removed, they may be sent to experts in a laboratory, who will inform your consultant if:

the polyp has been completely removed
there may be any risk of it regrowing
there may be any cancerous alternate inside the polyp
If there's a cancerous exchange within the polyp, you can need similarly remedy (relying at the diploma and extent of trade). Your expert might be able to advise you in this.

causes of bowel polyps
doctors don't know the exact cause of bowel polyps. it's miles notion that they are because of the frame generating too many cells within the lining of the bowel. these more cells then form into a bump, which is the polyp.

you will be much more likely to expand bowel polyps if:

a member of your family has had bowel polyps or bowel most cancers
you have got a circumstance that impacts your gut, inclusive of colitis or Crohn's ailment
you're obese or smoke
Diagnosing bowel polyps
Bowel polyps are normally discovered when your bowel is being checked out for another reason or in the course of screening for bowel cancer.

If polyps are discovered, a colonoscopy or CT colonography is needed to view the entire of the huge bowel and get rid of them at the equal time.

monitoring bowel polyps
some human beings with a positive type of polyp can be at risk of it coming back inside the future (habitual).

that is uncommon, but approach you will need inspecting (with the aid of colonoscopy) at normal intervals of around 3 to five years. that is to seize any similarly polyps which could broaden and doubtlessly change into bowel cancerease – such as Crohn's disease
severe piles (haemorrhoids)
childbirth or surgical operation unfavourable the muscle mass or nerves you operate to govern your bowels
situations which could have an effect on the nerves on your bottom – consisting of diabetes, a stroke or spina bifida
don't try to self-diagnose the purpose of your troubles. Get scientific help so the underlying cause may be diagnosed and treated.

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