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Friday 17 August 2018

many reasons breasts can be painful

Breast ache via itself is unlikely to be a symptom of cancer.

Breast pain is usually related to durations
signs and symptoms of breast ache as a result of durations:

dull, heavy or aching ache – from mild to very bad
ache that begins up to two weeks before a duration, receives worse after which goes away when the duration ends
usually (but no longer usually) impacts each breasts and every now and then ache spreads to the armpit
the way to ease the ache yourself
you could:

take paracetamol or ibuprofen, or rub painkilling gel to your breasts
wear a well outfitted bra throughout the day and a gentle bra to sleep in
there's little evidence that vitamin E tablets or night primrose oil assist with breast ache.

Breast pain not linked to intervals
from time to time breast pain is resulting from:

accidents or sprains to the neck, shoulder or returned – those can also be felt as breast ache
drugs just like the contraceptive tablet and a few antidepressants – take a look at the side outcomes inside the packet's data leaflet
conditions like mastitis or a breast abscess – those can purpose breast ache along side other signs
being pregnant – breast pain can be an early signal
Breast ache and the menopause
Hormone changes at some stage in the menopause can purpose breast ache.

as soon as the menopause is over (you've had three hundred and sixty five days without a length) the pain must now not go back.

See a GP about breast ache if:
it's now not improving or painkillers aren't supporting
you've got a very high temperature or experience warm and shivery
any a part of your breast is purple, warm or swollen
there may be a history of breast most cancers in your family
you have any signs and symptoms of pregnancy – you can do a being pregnant check first
Ask for an urgent GP appointment if:
there is a tough lump for your breast that does not circulate round
you get nipple discharge, which may be streaked with blood
one or both breasts trade shape
the skin for your breast is dimpled (like orange peel)
you have a rash on or around the nipBreast reduction surgical procedure can help women who are sad with the shape, weight or stoop in their breasts with the aid of making them smaller and greater lifted.

however if it's accomplished to enhance look instead of for fitness reasons, it is no longer normally to be had on the NHS. alternatively, you will need to pay for the procedure privately.

records about breast reduction for beauty motives is supplied some place else – study about cosmetic breast reduction for women and male breast discount.

This page makes a speciality of when breast discount might be to be had on the NHS.

Eligibility criteria for NHS breast reduction
the provision of breast discount surgical procedure on the NHS varies, relying at the eligibility criteria determined by using your nearby scientific commissioning organization (CCG).

some CCGs do no longer fund breast discount surgical treatment in any respect and others fund it selectively if you fulfil certain criteria.

generally speakme, you might be taken into consideration for breast reduction on the NHS if you have troubles as a result of having very massive breasts, which include:

shoulder or neck ache
skin irritation
rashes and skin infections below the breasts
grooves at the shoulders from bra straps
psychological misery, together with low self-esteem or melancholy
an incapacity to exercise or take part in sports activities
CCGs additionally tend to have extra standards which can encompass the scale of your breasts, your weight, your age, whether you smoke, and whether or not different options – together with wearing professionally equipped bras – were tried, however haven't helped.

you could discover what the eligibility standards are in your location out of your GP or via contacting your nearby CCG.

The referral procedure
See your GP in case you assume you is probably eligible for breast discount surgical procedure at the NHS.

they could test whether you meet the standards of your nearby CCG, and if you do, can refer you to a breast or plastic health practitioner for an assessment.

this could contain:

asking about the troubles you're experiencing
checking your weight and widespread fitness
an assessment with the aid of a psychiatrist or psychologist
facts approximately the risks and effects of surgical operation
The evaluation will assist determine whether or not you're appropriate for surgery and whether or not there's a sturdy enough motive for this to be performed at the NHS.

The final selection is generally made via a panel of representatives out of your local CCG, with the intention to recollect the information from your checks and assessment your character case.

things to keep in mind before you go in advance
it's vital to talk about your problems and alternatives with your GP and an accurately qualified health practitioner earlier than having a breast reduction.

this may assist you get a clean concept of what changes you can count on to peer and make sure you're privy to any dangers worried.

Be aware that:

a extensive reduction can modify the form and appearance of your breasts
there can be scarring and in all likelihood lost or altered nipple sensation
your breasts can change in length and shape after surgery – for example, they may increase or decrease in length in case you put on or shed pounds
breasts will be inclined to hunch over time
your breasts can get bigger in the course of being pregnant and you could now not be capable of breastfeed after surgical operation – so that you might also need to wait till you are certain you do not need to have any more children
For women with very large breasts, the blessings of a discount might also outweigh any potential issues. but for women with best reasonably large breasts, the blessings might not be worth the risks.

options to breast discount surgery
it's every so often feasible to lessen troubles because of having large breasts with out the need for surgical operation.

the subsequent measures may additionally assist:

in case you're obese, dropping weight can on occasion help reduce the quantity of fatty tissue on your breasts
a professional bra-becoming service – for plenty women with issues because of big breasts, getting a expert to in shape a efficiently-sized bra can reduce pain
physiotherapy – physical games from a physiotherapist can every now and then help with aches and pains as a result of massive breasts
mental help and remedy – this may help in case your large breasts are inflicting emotional or mental fitness issues
Breast discount surgical procedure will generally handiest be available on the NHS if alternative measures inclusive of these have been attempted first.

Male breast reduction on the NHS
Male breast discount isn't always usually available on the NHS.

that is due to the fact enlarged breasts in guys are commonly a end result of being overweight, and losing weight will frequently help to lessen their size. you will commonly need to pay privately for breast reduction surgery in those cases.

but, breast discount on the NHS may additionally occasionally be taken into consideration if it's caused by an underlying circumstance, or losing weight hasn't helped.

Your GP can endorse you about whether or not you might be appropriate for surgical treatment on the NHS.

greater statistics
greater recommendation and detail approximately the operation and what to anticipate afterwards can be determined by using analyzing the NHS choices statistics about cosmetic breast reduction surgery and male breast discount.

ple, or the nipple has sunk into the breast
these can be signs and symptoms of something extra critical.

Breast cancer screening

benefits and dangers
whilst it's provided
What happens
Your effects
info for women elderly 70-79
women elderly 70 to 79: ignored screening invitations

find out what to do in case you're elderly 70 to 79 and think you can no longer have received a breast screening invitation.

approximately 1 in 8 girls inside the united kingdom are recognized with breast most cancers in the course of their lifetime. If it's detected early, remedy is extra a hit and there's a good danger of recovery.

Breast screening targets to find breast cancers early. It uses an X-ray take a look at known as a mammogram which can spot cancers whilst they are too small to look or sense.

however there are a few dangers of breast most cancers screening which you should be aware about.

as the chance of having breast most cancers increases with age, all ladies aged 50 to 70 and registered with a GP are routinely invited for breast most cancers screening every three years.

inside the period in-between, in case you're worried about breast most cancers signs, which include a lump or location of thickened tissue in a breast, or you observe that your breasts appearance or feel one-of-a-kind from what's normal for you, don't wait to be presented screening – see your GP.

Why is breast screening presented?
maximum specialists agree that everyday breast screening is beneficial in identifying breast most cancers early.

the earlier the condition is located, the higher the chances of surviving it.

you are also much less likely to need a mastectomy (breast removal) or chemotherapy if breast most cancers is detected at an early level.

the principle hazard is that breast screening occasionally picks up cancers that won't have brought about any symptoms or end up lifestyles threatening. you could come to be having unnecessary more checks and treatment.

read about the pros and cons of breast cancer screening.

while will I be supplied breast screening?
Breast screening is currently provided to ladies elderly 50 to 70 in England.

but presently there may be a tribulation to take a look at the effectiveness of presenting some women one more screen before the age of fifty and one after 70.

you may first be invited for screening between your 50th and 53rd birthday, even though in a few regions you'll be invited from the age of 47 as a part of the trial extension of the programme.

you will be eligible for breast screening earlier than the age of fifty if you have a completely excessive danger of developing breast cancer. For more information, study having a own family history of breast most cancers.

if you're over the age of 70, you will forestall receiving screening invites.

you could nonetheless have screening after 70 in case you need to, and can set up an appointment by means of contacting your nearby screening unit or GP.

locate breast screening gadgets for your region.

What occurs at some point of breast screening?
Breast screening includes having an X-ray (mammogram) at a unique clinic or cell breast screening unit. that is performed with the aid of a girl physician.

Your breasts can be X-rayed one by one. The breast is placed on the X-ray machine and gently however firmly compressed with a clear plate.  X-rays are taken of every breast at distinctive angles.

For more facts, read what happens for the duration of breast cancer screening.

Breast screening effects
After your breasts had been X-rayed, the mammogram can be checked for any abnormalities.

The consequences of the mammogram can be sent to you and your GP no later than 2 weeks after your appointment.

Following screening, about 1 in 25 women could be called lower back for in addition evaluation.

Being referred to as back doesn't imply you certainly have most cancers. the primary mammogram might also had been unclear.

approximately 1 in 4 girls who are referred to as back for further assessment are diagnosed with breast most cancers.

read greater approximately information your effects.
in case you experience a lump for your breast, you need to constantly get it checked by a GP. most breast lumps are innocent but some may be extreme.

See a GP if you be aware:
a lump to your breast or armpit
every other unusual modifications on your breasts – inclusive of the nipple turning inwards, dimpled pores and skin or bloodstained nipple discharge
modifications within the breasts can be a signal of breast cancer. this is simpler to deal with if it's observed early.

What occurs at your GP appointment
The GP will have a look at and study your breasts.

If they may be no longer certain what is inflicting the lump, they will refer you to a hospital or breast health facility for in addition assessments.

these tests generally show that a lump isn't always most cancers.

What takes place on the breast sanatorium
at the health facility or breast health center, you could have a:

breast exam
scan – usually a breast X-ray (mammogram) or ultrasound
biopsy – wherein a needle is inserted into the lump to eliminate some cells for testing
these checks are regularly performed at some point of the equal go to. you may typically be informed the results on the same day, even though biopsy outcomes take longer – you have to get them inside every week.

Breast cancer Care has greater facts approximately what to anticipate at a breast sanatorium appointment.

treatment for a lump depends on the reason. maximum are harmless and may match away on their personal without remedy.

causes of breast lumps
Lumps inside the breasts may have lots of various reasons.

maximum are because of something innocent, consisting of a non-cancerous tissue increase (fibroadenoma) or a build-up of fluid (breast cyst).

but once in a while they may be a signal of some thing severe, which includes breast most cancers.

do not attempt to self-diagnose the motive of your lump – continually see a GP.
greater information approximately breast cancer screening
For greater facts, the Breast most cancers Screening Programme has courses about:

breast cancer screening
breast cancer screening: an easy examine manual
breast most cancers screening: an audio manual

Breast cancer in men

Breast cancer is often notion of as some thing that most effective affects ladies, however guys can get it in rare cases. It develops in the small amount of breast tissue men have in the back of their nipples.

It generally happens in guys over 60, however can very from time to time have an effect on younger guys.

signs and symptoms of breast most cancers in guys
signs and symptoms of breast most cancers in guys encompass:

a lump inside the breast – this is commonly hard, painless and doesn't flow around within the breast
the nipple turning inwards (inverted nipple)
fluid oozing from the nipple (nipple discharge), which may be streaked with blood
a sore or rash around the nipple that doesn't go away
the nipple or surrounding skin becoming tough, red or swollen
small bumps within the armpit (swollen glands)
examine greater approximately the symptoms of breast most cancers in men.

while to see your GP
See your GP if you have:

a lump on your breast
every other stressful signs, inclusive of nipple discharge
a records of breast cancer (in men or girls) in near individuals of your own family and you're involved approximately your possibilities of having it
it's not possible you have most cancers, however it is nice to get checked out. Your GP will study your breast and can refer you for checks and scans for breast most cancers if needed.

if you don't have signs but have a clean family history of breast cancer, your GP may additionally refer you to a genetic specialist to talk about your hazard of getting it.

There are some inherited genes that growth your chance of most cancers and a blood take a look at can be carried out to check for those. study about trying out for most cancers danger genes.

remedies for breast cancer in men
The treatment for breast most cancers in men relies upon on how some distance the most cancers has spread.

possible treatments include:

surgery to put off the affected breast tissue and nipple (mastectomy) and a number of the glands in your armpit
radiotherapy – in which radiation is used to kill most cancers cells
chemotherapy – in which medication is used to kill most cancers cells
other drug treatments that help prevent breast most cancers developing – which include tamoxifen and trastuzumab (Herceptin)
Many men have surgery accompanied via one or greater of the opposite treatments. this may help prevent the most cancers coming back in the destiny.

read greater approximately treatments for breast most cancers in guys.

Outlook for breast cancer in men
The outlook for breast most cancers in men varies relying on how some distance it has spread by the time it's recognized.

it could be feasible to remedy breast most cancers it it's stuck at an early degree.

A therapy is much much less in all likelihood if the cancer isn't observed till it has spread beyond the breast. In those instances, remedy can relieve your signs and symptoms and help you stay longer.

communicate on your breast care nurse in case you'd like to recognize extra about the outlook for your cancer.

reasons of breast cancer in men
the precise reason of breast most cancers in men isn't acknowledged, however there are a few things that increase your risk of getting it.
Breast cancer is the maximum not unusual sort of cancer in the uk. maximum girls recognized with breast cancer are over 50, however more youthful women can also get breast cancer.

approximately one in 8 women are identified with breast cancer at some point of their lifetime. there's a good hazard of recuperation if it is detected in its early tiers.

because of this, it's critical that women test their breasts often for any adjustments and always get any modifications examined by way of their GP.

In rare cases, men can also be recognized with breast most cancers. read approximately breast most cancers in men.

signs of breast most cancers
Breast most cancers will have some of signs, however the first considerable symptom is usually a lump or location of thickened breast tissue.

most breast lumps are not cancerous, but it is continually high-quality to have them checked with the aid of your medical doctor.

You should also see your GP in case you observe any of the following:

a change within the size or shape of one or each breasts
discharge from either of your nipples, which can be streaked with blood
a lump or swelling in either of your armpits
dimpling at the skin of your breasts
a rash on or around your nipple
a change in the advent of your nipple, consisting of becoming sunken into your breast
Breast ache isn't always typically a symptom of breast most cancers.

read more about the symptoms of breast most cancers.

reasons of breast most cancers
the precise causes of breast most cancers aren't fully understood. but, there are positive elements recognised to increase the danger of breast cancer.

these encompass:

age – the danger increases as you grow old
a circle of relatives records of breast most cancers
a preceding prognosis of breast most cancers
a preceding benign breast lump
being tall, overweight or obese
immoderate use of alcohol
study greater about the reasons of breast most cancers.

Diagnosing breast most cancers
After examining your breasts, your GP might also refer you to a specialist breast cancer medical institution for further tests. this might encompass breast screening (mammography) or a biopsy.

study about how breast most cancers is identified.

types of breast cancer
There are several one of a kind styles of breast cancer, that may expand in exceptional components of the breast.

Breast cancer is regularly divided into:

non-invasive breast most cancers (carcinoma in situ) – found inside the ducts of the breast (ductal carcinoma in situ, DCIS) and hasn't developed the capability to unfold out of doors the breast. it is usually determined in the course of a mammogram and infrequently shows as a breast lump.
invasive breast most cancers – commonly develops inside the cells that line the breast ducts (invasive ductal breast cancer) and is the most not unusual type of breast cancer. it may spread out of doors the breast, even though this does not always imply it has spread.
different much less commonplace varieties of breast most cancers consist of:

invasive (and pre-invasive) lobular breast most cancers
inflammatory breast cancer
Paget's disorder of the breast
it is possible for breast cancer to unfold to different components of the frame, typically via the bloodstream or the axillary lymph nodes. these are small lymphatic glands that filter bacteria and cells from the mammary gland.

If this happens, it's known as secondary, or metastatic, breast cancer.

Breast most cancers screening
Mammographic screening, in which X-ray snap shots of the breast are taken, is the maximum generally available technique of detecting an early breast lesion.

but, you must be conscious that a mammogram might fail to locate some breast cancers.

it'd additionally growth your probabilities of having more assessments and interventions, inclusive of surgery, even if you're no longer laid low with breast cancer.

women with a better-than-common risk of developing breast cancer may be offered screening and genetic checking out for the situation.

as the risk of breast most cancers increases with age, all women who are 50 to 70 years vintage are invited for breast most cancers screening each 3 years.

ladies over the age of 70 are also entitled to screening and can arrange an appointment through their GP or local screening unit.

The NHS is within the process of extending the programme as an ordeal, presenting screening to a few women elderly 47 to 73.

read about breast screening.

find breast most cancers screening offerings near you.

Treating breast cancer
If cancer is detected at an early level, it may be handled before it spreads to close by parts of the body.

Breast cancer is treated the usage of a combination of:

surgical procedure is generally the first sort of treatment you may have, accompanied by way of chemotherapy or radiotherapy or, in a few cases, hormone or biological treatments.

The sort of surgical treatment and the treatment you have afterwards will depend upon the form of breast cancer you've got. Your physician will discuss the satisfactory remedy plan with you.

In a small percentage of women, breast cancer is located after it's spread to different parts of the frame (metastatic breast most cancers).

Secondary cancer, additionally called advanced or metastatic most cancers, isn't always curable, so the purpose of remedy is to attain remission (symptom comfort).

read about treating breast cancer.

residing with breast most cancers
Being recognized with breast cancer can affect daily existence in many ways, relying on what stage it is at and the treatment you are having.

How women deal with their diagnosis and remedy varies from man or woman to individual. you may be reassured that there are several types of guide available, if you want it.

for instance:

your family and buddies can be a effective aid machine
you could talk with other human beings in the equal scenario
discover as tons as viable about your circumstance
do not try to do too much or overexert yourself
find time for your self
study about dwelling with breast most cancers.

preventing breast most cancers
because the reasons of breast cancer are not absolutely understood, at the moment it is not viable to recognise if it could be avoided.

if you're at extended threat of growing the situation, some treatments are to be had to reduce the chance.

research have looked at the link among breast cancer and eating regimen. even though there aren't any exact conclusions, there are benefits for women who:

maintain a healthful weight
workout frequently
have a low consumption of saturated fats and alcohol
it is been counseled that everyday exercising can reduce your hazard of breast most cancers by way of as a great deal as a third. normal workout and a healthy way of life can also enhance the outlook for people tormented by breast cancer.

if you've been thru the menopause, it's specially critical that you're now not obese or obese.

this is due to the fact being overweight or obese causes greater oestrogen to be produced, that may boom the risk of breast most cancers.

these include:

genes and own family history – inheriting faulty versions of genes referred to as BRCA1 or BRCA2 will increase your threat of breast cancer
conditions that can boom the level of oestrogen inside the frame – consisting of weight problems, Klinefelter syndrome and scarring of the liver (cirrhosis)
previous radiotherapy to the chest location
it's no longer positive if you could do something to lessen your chance, however consuming a balanced food regimen, dropping weight if you're overweight and no longer consuming too much alcohol can also assist.

A brain tumour is a growth of cells in the brain

that multiplies in an extraordinary, uncontrollable way.

Grades and forms of brain tumour
mind tumours are graded according to how fast they grow and the way probable they're to grow lower back after remedy. Grade one and two tumours are low grade, and grade 3 and 4 tumours are excessive grade.

There are two major kinds of brain tumour:

non-cancerous (benign) mind tumours  – are low grade (grade one or ), which means they develop slowly and are less in all likelihood to go back after remedy
cancerous (malignant) brain tumours  – are excessive grade (grade three or four) and either begin within the mind (primary tumours) or spread into the brain from some place else (secondary tumours); they are more likely to develop back after treatment
The cancer research uk website additionally has more statistics approximately particular varieties of mind tumours.

signs and symptoms of a mind tumour
The symptoms of a mind tumour range relying on the exact part of the mind affected. common symptoms consist of:

extreme, continual complications
seizures (fits)
persistent nausea, vomiting and drowsiness
intellectual or behavioural modifications, which includes reminiscence issues or modifications in character
revolutionary weak point or paralysis on one aspect of the frame
imaginative and prescient or speech problems
every so often, you could no longer have any signs and symptoms to begin with or they will simplest broaden very slowly over time.

while to see your GP
See your GP when you have the above symptoms, especially when you have a severe and persistent headache. you could now not have a brain tumour however these types of signs and symptoms need to be looked at.

if your GP can not pick out a more likely purpose of your signs, they will refer you to a neurologist (a brain and frightened system specialist) for in addition evaluation and checks, together with a mind scan.

who is affected
mind tumours can have an effect on people of any age, such as children, despite the fact that they have a tendency to be extra common in older adults.

extra than 9,000 people are identified with number one mind tumours within the uk every year, of which about half of are cancerous. Many others are diagnosed with secondary brain tumours.

reasons and risks
The cause of most brain tumours is unknown, however there are a number of threat elements that could growth your probabilities of growing a brain tumour.

chance factors include:

age  – the chance of having a mind tumour increases with age, even though a few sorts of brain tumour are more not unusual in kids
previous cancers  – children who have had most cancers have a higher danger of having a brain tumour in later life; adults who've had leukaemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma also have an accelerated chance
radiation  – publicity to radiation accounts for a completely small range of brain tumours; a few sorts of brain tumour are extra commonplace in human beings who've had radiotherapy, CT scans or X-rays to the top 
circle of relatives history and genetic situations  – a few genetic conditions are acknowledged to growth the risk of having a brain tumour, along with tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis kind 1, neurofibromatosis type 2 and Turner syndrome
HIV or AIDS  – as compared to the general populace, you're about twice as in all likelihood to develop a mind tumour if you have HIV or AIDS
The most cancers research uk internet site has more data about the dangers and causes of mind tumours.

Treating brain tumours
if you have a mind tumour your recommended remedy will depend on:

the sort of tumour
wherein it's miles for your brain
how big it's miles and the way a ways it's spread
how odd the cells are
your usual stage of fitness and health
remedies for mind tumours include:

After being identified with a brain tumour, steroids may be prescribed to assist reduce swelling around the tumour.

surgery is frequently used to take away mind tumours. The purpose is to put off as tons extraordinary tissue as appropriately as feasible.

It isn't always feasible to remove all of the tumour, so in addition remedy with radiotherapy or chemotherapy can be had to treat any odd cells left behind.

remedy for non-cancerous tumours is regularly a success and a complete recuperation is viable. occasionally, there is a small hazard the tumour should go back, so you may want everyday follow-up appointments to display this.

The most cancers research uk website has greater statistics about treatment for mind tumours.

when you have a brain tumour, your outlook will rely upon a number of of things which includes:

your age
the sort of tumour you've got
in which it is for your brain
how powerful the treatment is
your wellknown degree of fitness
Survival charges are hard to are expecting due to the fact brain tumours are rare and there are many differing types. Your doctor can be capable of come up with greater records about your outlook.

normally, round 15 out of every a hundred humans with a cancerous mind tumour will live to tell the tale for five years or more after being identified.
A breast abscess is a painful build-up of pus inside the breast caused by an contamination. It specifically affects ladies who are breastfeeding.

See a GP if you have:
a painful, purple and warm breast
a lump or swelling on your breast
those can be signs of a breast infection or abscess.

you can also have a excessive temperature and sense normally ill.

if you're not sure it's a breast abscess
remedy from a GP
Your GP will refer you to medical institution for remedy if they assume you have got a breast abscess.

they will prescribe antibiotic pills first if they assume you would possibly only have a breast infection.

cross again on your GP if your signs don't start to enhance within 2 days of starting antibiotics.

remedy in health facility
you may have an ultrasound test of your breast to check for an abscess.

The pus may be tired from an abscess with both:

a needle – this might need to be done some instances, and you could need to pass again to hospital every time
a small reduce to your skin
Your skin can be numbed earlier than this is finished. you could typically move domestic the same day and may be given antibiotics to take at home.

The abscess must heal absolutely in a few days or weeks.

Breastfeeding all through remedy
reasons of breast abscesses
A breast abscess can form when you have a breast contamination (known as mastitis) and it is now not treated quick.

Mastitis most often impacts breastfeeding girls. it can additionally show up in ladies who are not breastfeeding, however that is much less not unusual.

Getting treatment for mastitis as quickly as possible can help lessen the danger of getting an abscess.

The most cancers research united kingdom internet site has greater data about survival fees for one of a kind varieties of brain tumour.

Brain aneurysm

An aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel as a result of a weak spot within the blood vessel wall, normally wherein it branches.

As blood passes through the weakened blood vessel, the blood stress causes a small place to bulge outwards like a balloon.

Aneurysms can increase in any blood vessel within the body, however the two maximum commonplace locations are:

the belly aorta – the artery that transports blood far from the coronary heart to the relaxation of the body
the mind
This subject matter is ready brain aneurysms. there's a separate subject matter about belly aortic aneurysm.

approximately brain aneurysms
The clinical time period for an aneurysm that develops in the brain is an intracranial or cerebral aneurysm.

most mind aneurysms simplest motive noticeable symptoms in the event that they burst (rupture).

This results in a really serious circumstance referred to as a subarachnoid haemorrhage, wherein bleeding resulting from the ruptured aneurysm can cause massive mind damage and signs including:

a surprising agonising headache – it is been defined as a "thunderclap headache", much like a unexpected hit on the pinnacle, resulting in a stunning ache not like something skilled before
stiff neck
sickness and vomiting
pain on looking at mild
approximately three in 5 human beings who have a subarachnoid haemorrhage die within two weeks. half of of people who survive are left with extreme brain harm and disability.

examine greater about the symptoms of a mind aneurysm.

A ruptured mind aneurysm is a medical emergency. if you suspect someone has had a brain haemorrhage, which might be as a result of a ruptured aneurysm, name 999 without delay and ask for an ambulance.

How brain aneurysms are dealt with
If a mind aneurysm is detected before it ruptures, treatment can be encouraged to save you it rupturing in destiny. most aneurysms won't rupture, so remedy is simplest finished if the danger of a rupture is in particular high.

factors that have an effect on whether or not treatment is usually recommended include your age, the scale and role of the aneurysm, your circle of relatives medical records, and another fitness situations you have got.

If treatment is suggested, this commonly entails both filling the aneurysm with tiny metal coils or an open operation to seal it shut with a tiny metal clip.

in case your risk of a rupture is low, you'll have regular screen your aneurysm. you could also receive medicinal drug to reduce your blood strain and advice about approaches you could reduce your chances of a rupture, consisting of preventing smoking if you smoke.

The identical techniques used to prevent ruptures also are used to deal with brain aneurysms that have already ruptured.

examine extra about diagnosing brain aneurysms and treating brain aneurysms.

Why mind aneurysms broaden
precisely what reasons the wall of affected blood vessels to weaken remains doubtful, despite the fact that risk elements have been identified, which include:

excessive blood pressure
a own family history of brain aneurysms
In some cases, an aneurysm may additionally develop because there has been a weakness inside the partitions of the blood vessels at start.

examine extra about the reasons of brain aneurysms.

who's affected?
it is tough to estimate exactly what number of people are affected by brain aneurysms due to the fact they typically reason no signs and symptoms and skip undetected.

some specialists agree with it may be as high as 1 in 20 human beings, whilst others suppose the figure is plenty decrease at around 1 in a hundred humans.

The range of aneurysms that simply rupture is a good deal smaller. best around 1 in 12,500 people have a ruptured mind aneurysm in England every 12 months.

mind aneurysms can expand in every person at any age, but are extra common in people over the age of 40. girls have a tendency to be affected extra generally than guys.

stopping brain aneurysms
The best way to save you getting an aneurysm, or lessen the threat of an aneurysm developing bigger and probably rupturing, is to keep away from activities that would harm your blood vessels, consisting of:

consuming a high-fat weight-reduction plan
now not controlling excessive blood pressureBrain stem loss of life is whilst someone now not has any mind stem features, and has completely misplaced the capability for recognition and the capability to breathe.

whilst this takes place, a gadget called a ventilator keeps oxygen circulating through the character's bloodstream.

someone is showed as being useless whilst their brain stem feature is completely misplaced.

Confirming loss of life
Confirming dying used to be straightforward. death turned into stated to occur whilst the coronary heart stopped beating and a person changed into unresponsive and now not breathing. the lack of oxygen, which took place as a result of no blood glide, quickly led to the everlasting lack of mind stem feature.

Confirming death is now more complex, as it's possible to maintain the heart beating after the brain stem has completely stopped functioning. this may be executed by maintaining someone on a ventilator, which lets in the frame and coronary heart to be artificially oxygenated. however, that individual won't ever regain attention or begin breathing again.

once the brain stem has completely stopped functioning, there is no manner of reversing it and the heart will eventually stop beating, even though a ventilator continues to be used.

To keep someone's circle of relatives and buddies from needless suffering, as soon as there's clear proof that brain death has occurred, the man or woman might be disconnected from the ventilator.

The brain stem
The mind stem is the decrease part of the mind it truly is related to the spinal twine (a part of the crucial nervous machine within the spinal column).

The brain stem is chargeable for regulating maximum of the frame's automatic capabilities that are important for lifestyles. those encompass:

blood pressure
The brain stem additionally relays data to and from the mind to the rest of the frame, so it plays an critical role inside the brain’s middle features, which includes attention, awareness and movement.

After brain dying, it is no longer feasible for someone to stay aware.

How mind loss of life takes place
brain loss of life can occur whilst the blood and/or oxygen deliver to the brain is stopped. this may be caused by:

cardiac arrest  – whilst the heart stops beating and the brain is starved of oxygen
coronary heart assault – a critical clinical emergency that happens when the blood supply to the heart is unexpectedly blocked
stroke – a extreme medical emergency that occurs while the blood supply to the mind is blocked or interrupted
blood clot – a blockage in a blood vessel that disturbs or blocks the go with the flow of blood round your frame
brain dying also can occur due to:

a intense head damage
a brain haemorrhage
infections, which include encephalitis 
a mind tumour
Vegetative nation
there is a distinction between brain demise and a vegetative nation, that can arise after widespread mind damage.

a person in a vegetative kingdom can show signs of wakefulness – for example, they may open their eyes, but now not reply to their environment.

In rare cases, someone may also display a few experience of response that may be detected using a mind scan, however not be able to engage with their surroundings.

but, the vital difference among mind loss of life and a vegetative nation is that someone in a vegetative kingdom still has a functioning brain stem, which means that:

a few form of consciousness may also exist
respiration unaided is generally feasible
there's a slim hazard of recovery, because the brain stem's center functions may be unaffected
someone who is brain dead has no chance of healing, due to the fact their frame is not able to continue to exist with out synthetic assist.

Confirming brain death
despite the fact that rare, some matters could make it appear as although a person is mind lifeless.

those encompass drug overdoses (especially from barbiturates) and excessive hypothermia (in which body temperature drops beneath 28C).

consequently, some of tests are completed to test that brain death has really passed off, along with shining a torch into each eyes to look in the event that they react to the mild.

read greater approximately confirming brain dying.

Organ donation
After brain death has befell, it could be viable for the character's organs to be used in transplantations, that could often save the lives of others.

In cases where a deceased man or woman hasn't made their needs clear, finding out whether or not to donate their organs may be a difficult decision for companions and household. medical institution staff are aware about those difficulties and could try to ensure the issue is dealt with sensitively and thoughtfully
being overweight or overweight

Bowen's disease is a very early form of skin cancer

that's effortlessly treatable. the primary signal is a pink, scaly patch on the skin.

It impacts the squamous cells – which are inside the outermost layer of skin – and is once in a while referred to as squamous mobile carcinoma in situ.

The patch is usually very slow-growing, however there is a small hazard it could become a greater critical type of skin most cancers if left untreated.that's easily treatable. The main sign is a red, scaly patch on the skin.

It affects the squamous cells – which are in the outermost layer of skin – and is sometimes referred to as squamous cell carcinoma in situ.

The patch is usually very slow-growing, but there's a small chance it could turn into a more serious type of skin cancer if left untreated.

Is Bowen's disease serious?
Bowen's disease itself isn't usually serious. It tends to grow very slowly over months or years, and there are several very effective treatments for it.

The concern is that Bowen's disease can eventually develop into a different type of skin cancer called squamous cell skin cancer if it's left undiagnosed or neglected.

It's estimated this happens in up to 1 in 20 to 1 in 30 people with untreated Bowen's disease.

Squamous cell skin cancer is often treatable, but it can spread deeper into the body and is sometimes very serious.

Symptoms of Bowen's disease
Bowen's disease usually appears as a patch on the skin that has clear edges and doesn't heal. Some people have more than one patch.

Picture of Bowen's disease
The patch may be:

red or pink
scaly or crusty
flat or raised
up to a few centimetres across
itchy – but isn't always
The patch can appear anywhere on the skin, but is especially common on exposed areas like the lower legs, neck and head. Sometimes they can affect the groin area and, in men, the penis.

If the patch bleeds, starts to turn into an open sore (ulcer) or develops a lump, it could be a sign it has turned into squamous cell skin cancer.

When to get medical advice
See your GP if you have a persistent red, scaly patch of skin and don't know the cause.

It's important to get a proper diagnosis, as Bowen's disease can look like other conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema.

If necessary, your GP will refer you to a skin specialist (dermatologist) to determine what the problem is.

If they're not sure about the cause, they may need to remove a small sample of skin so it can be looked at more closely (a biopsy).

Causes of Bowen's disease
Bowen's disease usually affects older people in their 60s and 70s.

The exact cause is unclear, but it has been closely linked with:

long-term exposure to the sun or use of sunbeds – especially in people with fair skin
having a weak immune system – for example, it's more common in people taking medication to suppress their immune system after an organ transplant, or those with AIDS
previously having radiotherapy treatment
the human papillomavirus (HPV) – a common virus that often affects the genital area and can cause genital warts
Bowen's disease doesn't run in families and you can't pass it on to others.

Treatments for Bowen's disease
There are a number of treatment options for Bowen's disease. Talk to your dermatologist about which treatment is most suitable for you.

The main treatments are:

cryotherapy – liquid nitrogen is sprayed on to the affected skin to freeze it. The procedure may be painful and the skin may remain a bit uncomfortable for a few days. The affected skin will scab over and fall off within a few weeks.
imiquimod cream or chemotherapy cream (such as 5-fluorouracil) – this is applied to the affected skin regularly for a few weeks. It may cause your skin to become red and inflamed before it gets better.
curettage and cautery – the affected area of skin is scraped away under local anaesthetic, where the skin is numbed, and heat or electricity is used to stop any bleeding, leaving the area to scab over and heal after a few weeks.
photodynamic therapy (PDT) – a light-sensitive cream is applied to the affected skin, and a laser is directed on to the skin a few hours later to destroy the abnormal cells. The treatment session lasts about 20-45 minutes. You may need more than one session.
surgery – the abnormal skin is cut out under local anaesthetic and stitches may be needed afterwards.
In a few cases, your dermatologist may just advise monitoring your skin closely – for example, if it's very slow-growing and they feel the side effects of treatment will outweigh the benefits.

Looking after your skin after treatment
After treatment, you may need follow-up appointments with your dermatologist or GP to see if you need any further treatment.

If you had surgery, you may need to have any stitches removed at your GP surgery a week or two later.
A brain abscess is a pus-filled swelling in the brain. It usually occurs when bacteria or fungi enter the brain tissue after an infection or severe head injury.

Although the risk of developing a brain abscess is extremely low in England, it is a life-threatening condition and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Symptoms of a brain abscess
The symptoms of a brain abscess may develop quickly or slowly but can include:

headache – which is often severe, located in a single section of the head and can't be relieved with painkillers
changes in mental state – such as confusion or irritability
problems with nerve function – such as muscle weakness, slurred speech or paralysis on one side of the body
a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or above
seizures (fits)
nausea and vomiting
stiff neck
changes in vision – such as blurring, greying of vision or double vision (due to the abscess putting pressure on the optic nerve)
When to seek medical advice
Any symptoms that suggest a problem with the brain and nervous system should be treated as a medical emergency. These include:

slurred speech
muscle weakness or paralysis
seizures occurring in a person with no previous history of seizures
If you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms, phone 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance.

Any symptoms that suggest a worsening infection, such as fever and vomiting, should be reported to your GP immediately.

If your GP isn't available, contact your local out-of-hours service or call NHS 111.

Causes of a brain abscess
There are three main ways a brain abscess can develop. These are:

an infection in another part of the skull – such as an ear infection, sinusitis or dental abscess, which can spread directly into the brain
an infection in another part of the body – for example, the infection that causes pneumonia spreading into the brain via the blood
trauma, such as a severe head injury – that cracks open the skull, allowing bacteria or fungi to enter the brain
However, in some cases, the source of the infection remains unknown.

Read more about the causes of a brain abscess.

Diagnosing a brain abscess
If a brain abscess is suspected, an initial assessment will be made based on your symptoms, medical history and whether you've had a recent infection or a weakened immune system.

Blood tests can also be carried out to check for an infection.

If you're referred to hospital for further tests, you may have either:

a computerised tomography (CT) scan – a series of X-rays are used to produce a detailed image of the inside of your body
a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan – which uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a detailed image of the inside of your body.
If an abscess is found, a procedure known as CT-guided aspiration may be used to remove a sample of pus for testing. This involves using a CT scan to guide a needle to the site of the abscess.

Treating a brain abscess
A brain abscess is regarded as a medical emergency. Swelling caused by the abscess can disrupt the blood and oxygen supply to the brain. There's also a risk of the abscess bursting (rupturing).

If left untreated, a brain abscess can cause permanent brain damage and could be fatal.

A brain abscess is usually treated using a combination of:

medication – either antibiotics or antifungals
surgery – either draining the pus through a hole in the skull (simple aspiration) or opening the skull and removing the abscess entirely (craniotomy)
Treatment with antibiotics often begins before a diagnosis is confirmed, to reduce the risk of complications.

After treatment:

see your GP if an existing patch starts to bleed, change in appearance or develops a lump – don't wait for your follow-up appointment
see your GP if you notice any worrying new patches on your skin
make sure you protect your skin from the sun – wear protective clothing and use a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30

Is Bowen's disease severe?
Bowen's ailment itself isn't usually critical. It has a tendency to grow very slowly over months or years, and there are numerous very powerful remedies for it.

the concern is that Bowen's sickness can sooner or later become a extraordinary sort of pores and skin most cancers referred to as squamous cell pores and skin cancer if it's left undiagnosed or unnoticed.

it is anticipated this takes place in up to 1 in 20 to at least one in 30 humans with untreated Bowen's disorder.

Squamous cell pores and skin most cancers is regularly treatable, however it may spread deeper into the body and is on occasion very extreme.

symptoms of Bowen's sickness
Bowen's ailment normally appears as a patch on the skin that has clean edges and does not heal. some humans have a couple of patch.

photograph of Bowen's sickness
The patch can be:

purple or pink
scaly or crusty
flat or raised
up to three centimetres across
itchy – however is not
The patch can seem anywhere on the pores and skin, but is especially not unusual on exposed regions like the decrease legs, neck and head. from time to time they can have an effect on the groin region and, in men, the penis.

If the patch bleeds, begins to turn into an open sore (ulcer) or develops a lump, it may be a signal it has become squamous cell pores and skin most cancers.

whilst to get scientific recommendation
See your GP if you have a continual pink, scaly patch of pores and skin and do not know the reason.

it is critical to get a right diagnosis, as Bowen's sickness can appear to be other conditions, consisting of psoriasis or eczema.

If necessary, your GP will refer you to a pores and skin specialist (dermatologist) to determine what the hassle is.

If they're no longer sure about the motive, they will want to do away with a small sample of pores and skin so it can be checked out greater carefully (a biopsy).

causes of Bowen's disease
Bowen's disorder typically impacts older human beings of their 60s and 70s.

the precise cause is doubtful, however it has been intently related with:

long-time period exposure to the sun or use of sunbeds – mainly in people with fair skin
having a weak immune device – as an example, it's more commonplace in human beings taking medication to suppress their immune system after an organ transplant, or people with AIDS
previously having radiotherapy remedy
the human papillomavirus (HPV) – a not unusual virus that regularly impacts the genital area and can purpose genital warts
Bowen's ailment would not run in households and you cannot pass it directly to others.

treatments for Bowen's sickness
There are a number of treatment alternatives for Bowen's disorder. speak in your dermatologist approximately which remedy is most appropriate for you.

the main remedies are:

cryotherapy – liquid nitrogen is sprayed on to the affected pores and skin to freeze it. The method can be painful and the skin may additionally stay a bit uncomfortable for some days. The affected skin will scab over and fall off inside some weeks.
imiquimod cream or chemotherapy cream (which include 5-fluorouracil) – that is applied to the affected skin often for a few weeks. it may motive your skin to end up purple and inflamed before it gets better.
curettage and cautery – the affected area of pores and skin is scraped away below nearby anaesthetic, wherein the pores and skin is numbed, and warmth or energy is used to prevent any bleeding, leaving the region to scab over and heal after a few weeks.
photodynamic therapy (PDT) – a mild-touchy cream is applied to the affected skin, and a laser is directed directly to the pores and skin some hours later to spoil the bizarre cells. The treatment consultation lasts about 20-forty five mins. you can want multiple session.
surgical operation – the strange skin is cut out below neighborhood anaesthetic and stitches may be wanted afterwards.
In some instances, your dermatologist may additionally simply endorse monitoring your skin carefully – for instance, if it's very sluggish-growing and they experience the aspect results of remedy will outweigh the advantages.

searching after your pores and skin after treatment
After remedy, you may need comply with-up appointments together with your dermatologist or GP to peer if you want any further treatment.

if you had surgical procedure, you could need to have any stitches eliminated at your GP surgical treatment per week or  later.
A mind abscess is a pus-filled swelling inside the brain. It commonly happens when micro organism or fungi input the mind tissue after an contamination or extreme head harm.

even though the risk of growing a mind abscess is extraordinarily low in England, it is a lifestyles-threatening circumstance and should be identified and treated as quickly as viable.

signs of a brain abscess
The symptoms of a mind abscess may additionally develop quick or slowly however can encompass:

headache – which is regularly severe, located in a unmarried phase of the head and can not be relieved with painkillers
modifications in mental kingdom – which include confusion or irritability
issues with nerve characteristic – which includes muscle weak point, slurred speech or paralysis on one facet of the frame
a excessive temperature (fever) of 38C (one hundred.4F) or above
seizures (suits)
nausea and vomiting
stiff neck
modifications in vision – which includes blurring, greying of vision or double vision (due to the abscess putting pressure on the optic nerve)
whilst to are trying to find scientific advice
Any signs and symptoms that propose a hassle with the brain and frightened device should be treated as a medical emergency. these consist of:

slurred speech
muscle weak spot or paralysis
seizures occurring in a person without a preceding records of seizures
if you or someone you realize studies any of those symptoms, smartphone 999 without delay and ask for an ambulance.

Any signs that endorse a worsening contamination, along with fever and vomiting, ought to be said in your GP immediately.

if your GP isn't available, contact your local out-of-hours service or call NHS 111.

causes of a mind abscess
There are three predominant methods a brain abscess can broaden. these are:

an contamination in every other a part of the skull – consisting of an ear contamination, sinusitis or dental abscess, that can unfold without delay into the brain
an contamination in every other a part of the frame – for example, the contamination that causes pneumonia spreading into the mind thru the blood
trauma, such as a excessive head damage – that cracks open the cranium, allowing bacteria or fungi to go into the mind
but, in some cases, the supply of the contamination remains unknown.

examine greater approximately the causes of a mind abscess.

Diagnosing a brain abscess
If a mind abscess is suspected, an initial assessment can be made based totally to your symptoms, clinical records and whether you've had a current contamination or a weakened immune system.

Blood exams can also be achieved to check for an infection.

if you're mentioned sanatorium for in addition assessments, you could have both:

a computerised tomography (CT) scan – a chain of X-rays are used to supply a detailed photo of the inner of your body
a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test – which makes use of strong magnetic fields and radio waves to provide a detailed photo of the inside of your body.
If an abscess is observed, a method called CT-guided aspiration may be used to remove a sample of pus for trying out. This entails using a CT scan to manual a needle to the website online of the abscess.

Treating a mind abscess
A brain abscess is seemed as a scientific emergency. Swelling because of the abscess can disrupt the blood and oxygen supply to the brain. there may be additionally a danger of the abscess bursting (rupturing).

If left untreated, a mind abscess can motive everlasting mind damage and can be fatal.

A mind abscess is commonly handled the usage of a combination of:

medicinal drug – either antibiotics or antifungals
surgical operation – both draining the pus through a hole in the cranium (simple aspiration) or starting the skull and getting rid of the abscess absolutely (craniotomy)
remedy with antibiotics frequently begins earlier than a prognosis is showed, to lessen the danger of complications.

After treatment:

see your GP if an existing patch starts to bleed, alternate in look or develops a lump – don't look forward to your follow-up appointment
see your GP if you word any annoying new patches for your pores and skin
make sure you shield your pores and skin from the sun – put on protective apparel and use a sunscreen with a excessive sun safety issue (SPF) of at least 30

Bowel incontinence, or faecal incontinence

when you have problems controlling your bowels.

it is able to be very frightening and embarrassing, however it is essential to get scientific advice when you have it because treatment can assist.

signs and signs and symptoms
Bowel incontinence can affect humans in special methods.when you have problems controlling your bowels.

It can be very upsetting and embarrassing, but it's important to get medical advice if you have it because treatment can help.

Signs and symptoms
Bowel incontinence can affect people in different ways.

You may have a problem if:

you have sudden urges to poo that you can't control
you soil yourself without realising you needed the toilet
you sometimes leak poo – for example, when you pass wind
it happens every day or from time to time – a one-off "accident" when you're ill with diarrhoea isn't usually a problem
it's affecting your daily life – for example, it stops you socialising
You may also have other symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhoea, passing wind or bloating.

When to get medical advice
See a GP if you have difficulty controlling your bowels. Don't be embarrassed about talking to someone about it.

Remember that:

it's not something to be ashamed of
it's common and GPs are used to seeing people with it
it's not something you have to put up with
it probably won't get better on its own
it can be treated
If you'd prefer not to see a GP, you may be able to make an appointment at an NHS continence service instead. Call your local hospital for details of your nearest service.

Treatment can help improve incontinence and reduce the impact it has on your life. The best treatment for you depends on what's causing the problem.

Treatments for bowel incontinence include:

continence products – such as pads you wear in your underwear or small plugs you put in your bottom
changes to your diet – such as avoiding foods that make diarrhoea worse
medicines to reduce constipation or diarrhoea
exercises to strengthen the muscles used to control your bowels – called pelvic floor exercises
Surgery may be considered if other treatments don't help.

Read more about treatments for bowel incontinence.

There are lots of possible causes of bowel incontinence. Often it's caused by a combination of problems.

Causes of bowel incontinence include:

severe or long-lasting constipation or diarrhoea
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
inflammatory bowel disBowel polyps are small growths on the inner lining of the large intestine (colon) or rectum.

Bowel polyps are very common, affecting around 1 in 4 people at some point in their lives. They are slightly more common in men than women and are most common in people over the age of 60.

Some people develop just one polyp, while others may have a few.

Symptoms of bowel polyps
Bowel polyps don't usually cause any symptoms, so most people with polyps won't know they have them. They are often picked up during screening for bowel cancer.

However, some larger polyps can cause:

a small amount of slime (mucus) or blood in your poo (rectal bleeding)
diarrhoea or constipation
pain in your tummy (abdominal pain)
Bowel cancer risk
Polyps don't usually turn into cancer. But if some types of polyps (called adenomas) are not removed, there's a chance they may eventually become cancerous. Doctors believe that most bowel cancers develop from adenoma polyps.

However, very few polyps will turn into cancer, and it takes many years for this to happen.

Because of the risk of bowel polyps developing into cancer, your doctor will always recommend getting polyps treated.

Read more about bowel cancer.

Treatments for bowel polyps
There are several methods for treating polyps, but the most common procedure involves physically removing the polyp using a wire loop. This happens during a procedure called a colonoscopy.

The colonoscopy involves passing a flexible tube called a colonoscope through your bottom and up into your bowel. The colonoscope has a wire attached to it with an electric current through it. This wire is used to either burn off (cauterise) or cut off (snare) the polyp. Both of these methods are painless.

In rare cases, polyps may need to be treated by surgically removing part of the bowel. This is usually only done when the polyp has some cell changes, if it is particularly large, or if there are a lot of polyps.

After the polyp or polyps have been removed, they are sent to specialists in a laboratory, who will inform your consultant if:

the polyp has been completely removed
there is any risk of it regrowing
there is any cancerous change in the polyp
If there is a cancerous change in the polyp, you may need further treatment (depending on the degree and extent of change). Your specialist will be able to advise you on this.

Causes of bowel polyps
Doctors don't know the exact cause of bowel polyps. It is thought that they are caused by the body producing too many cells in the lining of the bowel. These extra cells then form into a bump, which is the polyp.

You may be more likely to develop bowel polyps if:

a member of your family has had bowel polyps or bowel cancer
you have a condition that affects your gut, such as colitis or Crohn's disease
you are overweight or smoke
Diagnosing bowel polyps
Bowel polyps are usually found when your bowel is being looked at for another reason or during screening for bowel cancer.

If polyps are found, a colonoscopy or CT colonography is needed to view the whole of the large bowel and remove them at the same time.

Monitoring bowel polyps
Some people with a certain type of polyp may be at risk of it coming back in the future (recurring).

This is uncommon, but means you'll need examining (by colonoscopy) at regular intervals of around three to five years. This is to catch any further polyps that may develop and potentially turn into bowel cancerease – such as Crohn's disease
severe piles (haemorrhoids)
childbirth or surgery damaging the muscles or nerves you use to control your bowels
conditions that can affect the nerves in your bottom – such as diabetes, a stroke or spina bifida
Don't try to self-diagnose the cause of your problems. Get medical help so the underlying cause can be identified and treated.

you could have a hassle if:

you have got surprising urges to poo which you cannot control
you soil yourself without realising you wanted the bathroom
you once in a while leak poo – for instance, when you skip wind
it takes place each day or from time to time – a one-off "accident" whilst you're sick with diarrhoea is not normally a trouble
it's affecting your day by day existence – for instance, it stops you socialising
you may also produce other signs, which includes constipation, diarrhoea, passing wind or bloating.

whilst to get medical advice
See a GP if you have issue controlling your bowels. do not be embarrassed approximately talking to a person approximately it.

take into account that:

it's no longer something to be embarrassed about
it is not unusual and GPs are used to seeing human beings with it
it is now not some thing you have to placed up with
it in all likelihood might not get higher on its personal
it could be treated
if you'd decide upon no longer to peer a GP, you may be able to make an appointment at an NHS continence carrier instead. name your local hospital for details of your nearest carrier.

remedy can assist improve incontinence and reduce the impact it has on your existence. The high-quality treatment for you relies upon on what is inflicting the hassle.

remedies for bowel incontinence consist of:

continence products – inclusive of pads you wear on your undies or small plugs you put in your backside
changes on your weight loss program – which includes averting ingredients that make diarrhoea worse
drug treatments to reduce constipation or diarrhoea
physical activities to bolster the muscle tissues used to manipulate your bowels – called pelvic floor sports
surgery may be taken into consideration if other remedies don't help.

examine more about treatments for bowel incontinence.

There are lots of viable reasons of bowel incontinence. frequently it's due to a combination of problems.

causes of bowel incontinence consist of:

intense or long-lasting constipation or diarrhoea
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
inflammatory bowel disBowel polyps are small growths on the inner lining of the massive intestine (colon) or rectum.

Bowel polyps are very commonplace, affecting around 1 in four human beings at some point in their lives. they are barely greater not unusual in guys than girls and are most commonplace in people over the age of 60.

some humans expand just one polyp, while others may additionally have a few.

signs of bowel polyps
Bowel polyps do not normally reason any signs, so the general public with polyps won't understand they've them. they're regularly picked up at some point of screening for bowel cancer.

but, a few large polyps can purpose:

a small quantity of slime (mucus) or blood on your poo (rectal bleeding)
diarrhoea or constipation
pain to your tummy (belly ache)
Bowel cancer threat
Polyps don't commonly change into cancer. but if a few styles of polyps (referred to as adenomas) aren't removed, there's a risk they will ultimately grow to be cancerous. medical doctors believe that maximum bowel cancers increase from adenoma polyps.

however, only a few polyps will become cancer, and it takes many years for this to happen.

due to the chance of bowel polyps developing into cancer, your health practitioner will constantly propose getting polyps treated.

read more about bowel cancer.

treatments for bowel polyps
There are numerous methods for treating polyps, however the most not unusual procedure involves physically casting off the polyp the usage of a twine loop. This occurs during a system known as a colonoscopy.

The colonoscopy involves passing a bendy tube known as a colonoscope through your backside and up into your bowel. The colonoscope has a wire attached to it with an electric modern-day via it. This wire is used to both burn off (cauterise) or reduce off (snare) the polyp. each of these strategies are painless.

In uncommon instances, polyps may also need to be handled by means of surgically eliminating part of the bowel. this is generally simplest achieved whilst the polyp has a few cellular adjustments, if it's miles in particular massive, or if there are a whole lot of polyps.

After the polyp or polyps had been removed, they may be sent to experts in a laboratory, who will inform your consultant if:

the polyp has been completely removed
there may be any risk of it regrowing
there may be any cancerous alternate inside the polyp
If there's a cancerous exchange within the polyp, you can need similarly remedy (relying at the diploma and extent of trade). Your expert might be able to advise you in this.

causes of bowel polyps
doctors don't know the exact cause of bowel polyps. it's miles notion that they are because of the frame generating too many cells within the lining of the bowel. these more cells then form into a bump, which is the polyp.

you will be much more likely to expand bowel polyps if:

a member of your family has had bowel polyps or bowel most cancers
you have got a circumstance that impacts your gut, inclusive of colitis or Crohn's ailment
you're obese or smoke
Diagnosing bowel polyps
Bowel polyps are normally discovered when your bowel is being checked out for another reason or in the course of screening for bowel cancer.

If polyps are discovered, a colonoscopy or CT colonography is needed to view the entire of the huge bowel and get rid of them at the equal time.

monitoring bowel polyps
some human beings with a positive type of polyp can be at risk of it coming back inside the future (habitual).

that is uncommon, but approach you will need inspecting (with the aid of colonoscopy) at normal intervals of around 3 to five years. that is to seize any similarly polyps which could broaden and doubtlessly change into bowel cancerease – such as Crohn's disease
severe piles (haemorrhoids)
childbirth or surgical operation unfavourable the muscle mass or nerves you operate to govern your bowels
situations which could have an effect on the nerves on your bottom – consisting of diabetes, a stroke or spina bifida
don't try to self-diagnose the purpose of your troubles. Get scientific help so the underlying cause may be diagnosed and treated.